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Contributions to Cardiovascular disease

Updated: Jul 12, 2020

Top 5 causes of cadriovascular or heart disease

When discussing cardiovascular disease or heart disease theres two groups of risk factors that can contribute. The first of the two are non-modifialbe risk factors meaning there's nothing we can do to about these including older age, family history, or being male. The modifialbe risk factors include overweight, inactivty, smoking, poor diet, and high blood pressure.

Excess Weight

Over wieght or obesity, aside from smoking one of biggest conrtibutors to heart disease. Plague build up in the arties that carry oxygen in the blood vessels is made up of fat as well as calcium, cholesterol and other substances that can contribute to heart disease.


Lack of exercise is another contributing factor to heart disease. Long periods of sitting and being inactive (i.e. watching tv or sitting too long) over time can severely contribute to poor blood circulation in the body sepcifially in the legs. So get up and walk around!


Smoking is the biggest contriubtor to CVD/Heart disease. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen to the blood vessels and can damage the vien walls.

Unhealthy Diet

Poor diet is an important risk factor in heart disease. Foods that can contribute to heart disease are high in saturated fats and cholestrole. thsi includes foods like beef, pork, butter, dairy foods as well as processed foods like pastires.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure also known as hypertension can be considered severe if left untreated and can cause further damage to the artries due to the excess pressure in the blood vessels wich could lead to a stroke.

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